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New photos for 2023
Assorted photos from early 2023.
Turntable Construction
Photos of the construction of the turntable on the 7¾" line.
Assorted 2020 Photos
Photos from the 2020 season, submitted by club members.
Sunday 13th May 2018 - Grand Opening
The grand opening of our new stations, "Ron's Halt" on the 7¾" track and "Meriton East" on the high-level track took place on Sunday 13th May 2018. Thanks to some wonderful weather, a lot of hard work by HMES members and enthusiastic support from members of the public, the event was a great success.
Sunday 18th April 2018
The first steaming Sunday of the 2018 season - here's to many more!
Gala Day 2012
All of these photographs were taken at the Meriton Road Park Gala Day on 2nd September 2012.